viernes, 26 de octubre de 2018

Language station classes

Language station class
I had never seen  this method before I came here. Therefore,  low level can do these tasks if the activities become easier. For example,  first station, Ss can read 3 sentences, seconds station, answer three questions, third activity read little topic and discuss about it, etc.
Students learn new method, they should be learn how to move inside the classroom. I need to learn how to give directions well and students will not have problem to figure out instructions.


An information gap activity, also called a language gap activity, is an activity whereby each student is given a limited amount of information and therefore must work collaboratively with other classmates with their information in order to solve a puzzle, understand a phenomenon, or otherwise make meaning of an academic concept. Language gap activities are commonly used to assist English language learners but may also be adapted and applied to other populations. 

Benefits of using Information Gap Activities1. Engage, promote and provide a Student-centered Activities.2. Increase intrinsic motivation.3. Students inspire critical thinking and common senses. 4. Promote peer to peer (groups work) collaboration.5. Are conducive to using authentic materials.
6. Assist to increase students talking time. 

How to apply Information gab activities

Teachers could split students into A and groups B into a pairs, or entire class could work together, to discuss and interpret the information.
This would create a room for debate and conversation about the relationship between different species of  animals. What they have in common each others. 

Teachers could apply in science classes, Mathematic, etc


Tyson Tiger Elementary School 

First day was the most interesting. I had to introduce myself, then students started to ask me a lots of questions about my country. What language do we speak? Do you have tiger in Panama? Do students speak English as us? they keep asked me plenty of questions and I answered them one by one.
In others hands, Mrs. Keen started to give introductions. She told to her students to choose a book to begin to read in their own spots quietly without annoy anyone beside them (reading inside their minds). Students were able to read books that very hard to read for students that they are studying English at university in Panama. It was so amazing because teacher taught the Ss have to read a bunch of books if they want to learn new things.
Therefore, Ss can learn new grammar, knowledge, knowing different cultures, countries, sciences, and so on and so for. A very important thing is Ss read according their level of reading. All the books colors and student might choose the appropriate books to read. They are able to understand, analyze, and they might improve inductive capacities very quickly without teacher support.   
If Ss are able to read they can acquire information by themselves. 

In the other hands, Ss at our School can read Spanish language with weaknesses, but they can’t read English language well. they just read some words they identify them. Hence, Ss from USA astonished me the first day I saw them they were reading a big book well and handle it with great capability. 
The best surprise for me was Sienna because she can speak 5 languages fluency. It was my first time I saw a little girl speaking a bunch of languages. Beside, Sienna asked me a lots of questions about my country. She was excited to know about how is my country and provinces and she told me that someday she will be visiting my province. I hope she will come to my country and she can swim in our beautiful beaches, eats delicious food and puts on our gorgeous traditional dresses from Panama. 
The best exercise for your brain, it is reading. 

martes, 2 de octubre de 2018

Little Rock

We woke up at 5:45. We took a shower. They took us to Little Rock. During the trip I observed all the road had a lot of forest. Those trees are almost the same species.  Besides, we saw the Bill Clinton's. The exhibits tell a story of the Clinton Presidency. They feature the campaign, inauguration, and special policy sections that highlight the work of the President, including that of the First Lady and Vice President Al Gore. The exhibits are a historical walkway of the Clinton Presidency through photographs, video clips and countless artifacts. The permanent exhibits were designed by Ralph Applebaum Associates. Furthermore, We saw a historical places such as: Little Rock Central School and a museum of Afro American People. These places were very interesting because talked about. How the Afro People wanted to go the school due to they did not have opportunities to studying together with caucasian people in the same school. Because existed a law about Racial segregation in the State of Arkansas during sixties. Includes the segregation or separation of access admittance to facilities, servicies, and opportunities such as transportation alone racial lines, employment, education, and medical care, etc. Many people fought to being included with same rights with the caucasian people had. 

During the trip I remembered Darien. My province has a lot of wood trees. A big rainforest with different ecosystems. Little Rock City has a lot of Afro American same Darien Province. It is normal for us to share with people from different races. Diversity world is more interesting than only have one thing to see. It will be being boring. 

viernes, 21 de septiembre de 2018

Reading activities

Making Predictions and inferences-Building Critical Thinking’s Skills
Reading activities were carried out in pair (groups of two) analyze some pictures

Story Books are useful to teach read and increasingly vocabulary in a faster way with our students because when we are speaking we don't produce a lot of words we used to talk common words every day. Students can create a picture gallery where they can explain others groups. What is the story about? Besides, In orally way they can speak a story. First, teacher shows how to do it and make groups of three.
These activities are for students are able to speak and explain personal characters, places, make good questions, they have to write correct, Analyze what is the story about?, What the story teach us? How to apply on your lives?

jueves, 20 de septiembre de 2018


Types of classroom speaking performance. How to teach speaking class and improve students speaking without explained rules no using bottom-up techniques. 
All the speaking activities that I saw were intensive and responsive because they are easier, but Transactional and Interpersonal are harder activities for advance speaker students. 
This performances we can use them in a progressive way with little kids. 
First, applying very brief speaking activity where the teachers can modeling and write down a word on the board with that it belongs the topic.
Second, students work in pairs (or groups of 3) to define their words. Their partner must guess the word they are defining. alternate to this is a team game and others students can define words.
We can change to a lists of famous people, books, films and objects.
Using team where one team writes a lists of 3 pictures words for another team. team ask questions in simple present (do you see this film?  or Do you read the book?). Each team puts forward one person to reply the question.